Investment in high precision diagnostics

We invested in a Liquid-Chromatography coupled Tandem Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) of the newest generation. This instrument allows robust quantification of even the tiniest amounts of clinically relevant biomarkers in a wide range of biological matrices. While liquid chromatography separates mixtures with multiple components over time, the tandem mass spectrometer detects the specific mass of each chemical entity. In combination, this provides not only the molecular mass, but also structural information about the analytes of interest. Even structural isomers can be identified in this way.



Further advantages of the technique lie in the ability to scan a single sample for many compounds, and the excellent data quality.


Our goal is to develop custom analyses for our cherished customers and collaborators on demand. Our vision is to extend the human lifespan by simplifying the treatment of complex diseases. In the future, cancer, infectious, neurodegenerative and mental diseases should be as easy to treat as a common cold.


At the moment, our highly skilled and trained personnel is implementing a test to accurately quantify a multitude of vitamins from as little as 20µL of blood (Vit Bs, Ds, A, E, K). Feel free to contact us for more information.