Waldsassen – BioVariance has received a commitment for the project REVERT from the European Commission as part of HORIZON 2020, the EU framework program for research and innovation. The project goal is to identify the most effective and cost-efficient therapies for patients suffering from inoperable and metastatic colorectal cancer. The project involves 14 multidisciplinary partners from 6 European countries. Physicians (primarily oncologists), biologists, software developers and data analysts will collaborate closely (see Fig. 1) for a better understanding and treatment of the various types of colorectal cancer. With approximately 1,8 million new cases in 2018, colorectal cancer is the third most common tumor type worldwide. In Germany, where Biovariance is headquartered, it is the third most common cancer type amongst men and ranks second amongst women.

BioVariance will develop an artificial intelligence platform to predict the most promising therapy option for each cancer patient individually. To achieve this, molecular data such as tumor genetics will be analyzed from patients that have already been treated. Using AI and Machine Learning, correlations between biomarker data points and the effectiveness of specific drug compounds can be identified. Genetic data of newly diagnosed patients will also be compared with patients showing similar clinical profiles. By implementing specialized prediction models, newly diagnosed patients can be optimally treated based on the most current findings.
Project coordinator is San Raffaele S.p.A. in Rome, a market leader in the field of health protection, scientific research and care. The total investment will be approx. 6 million Euro, including 250.000 Euro for the development of the AI platform by BioVariance. The project is scheduled to commence in January 2020 with a duration of 4 years.
Contact person
Evgenija Melnik | Marketing
E-Mail: evgenija.melnik@biovariance.com
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