BioVariance Blog

Off-Label Use in Paediatrics

The problem Generally, drugs are only allowed to be prescribed when special agencies have tested them on safety, effectiveness and quality and have approved them on corresponding indications. The prescription of drugs without considering these


Waldsassen – BioVariance has received a commitment for the project REVERT from the European Commission as part of HORIZON 2020, the EU framework program for research and innovation. The project goal is to identify the

The Global Burden of Cancer

World Cancer Day Many people wonder why there is still no cure for cancer yet. But cancer isn’t just one disease. It is more than 100 diseases, and each of these types is divided into

Omic Tools

Technological progress The rapid advances in cutting-edge technologies and informatics tools utilized in biomedical science to generate and process high-throughput biological datasets have finally spread into various economic sectors. Omic technologies adopt a holistic view

The eternal fight against Breast Cancer

The current situation Due to great progress regarding early cancer diagnosis, diagnostics, therapy and care in the last decades, the survival rate and quality of life of patients suffering from breast cancer increased significantly in

Multiresistant Bacteria

The Problem Regular clinical tests demonstrate a serious and growing threat today: resistant bacteria showing immunity against many common antibiotics. The evolution and widespread distribution of antibiotic resistanct pathogens has made diseases that were once

For the research of DIPG across 14 countries

DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma) describes a brain tumor in children for which there exists no cure or positive life-changing treatment. Even if this type of pontine glioma can be classified as “rare diseases”, it

Personalized Medicine – Therapy 2.0

Principles The official journal of the European Union referring to Personalized Medicine for Patients (2015/C 421/03) says: ”[…] that there is no generally accepted definition of the term `Personalized Medicine`. In general Personalized Medicine describes

Renal cell carcinoma – a rare disease in Germany

  Because of the World-Kidney-Day on March 14, there is a new post about another rare disease in Germany. The renal cell carcinoma is the most common form of kidney cancer and appears mainly among

DIPG – Fight for a cure!

Hardly anyone has ever heard of DIPG. This abbreviation stands for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma and describes a childhood brain tumor. There’s no cure or positive life-changing treatment at the moment. Not much has happend